Open Source

By Brian Muenzenmeyer. A brief book with a big vision.
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Approachable Open Source is a perennial, full-spectrum primer on the open source software landscape. Discover the broad connections between you, your team, your company, and your community. Learn how to approach and enable impactful, equitable, and attainable outcomes.

Brian Muenzenmeyer

"I've written this book as a new entry in the compendium of open source thought. I don't fancy myself a thought-leader and for that we are all fortunate. But it is informed by years of success and failure working with open source software. The advice is honest; the vision bold; the mandate modest."

Perfect for


Understand the history, context, and potential of open source software.


Level up your repo with purpose. Create self-sustaining community. Avoid burn-out.


Start, and scale. Secure open source dependencies and understand legal risks. Unlock your teams' future.

This book is for the curious, the busy, or the eager technologist that wants to level up their relationship with open source software. That might be you! You use open source software today at work or at school, and I promise your talent and perspective, intentionally channeled, is the latent energy many communities need.

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